Monday, November 21, 2011

Should I Start Blogging Again?

Wow....I've let this blog kinda slip for the past four years. In a way it does seem that long, but not really. I feel like a whole world of things have changed since I first started my blog. Facebook is one of them. I'm amazed at all the new people that I've come in contact with, from grade school, to friends from other parts of the United States, to long lost relatives...well, I'm not sure if we're related, but we have the same family name.

Now that it is near the end of 2011, I am in the process of thinking of goals and resolutions going into 2012. Should I include the goal of blogging again? If so, will it just be on the topics that currently grab my attention? Politics? Religion? Football?

As of right now, I think 2012 will be a year of thanks. Each day, I will post one thing that I am thankful for, whether it is something general, or maybe something specific that happened on that day. I just hope that I can put something here that would be beneficial to both you and me.

We'll see...2012 is just over a month away.

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