Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pep-Boys (part 2) - February 29

As I was driving down US-17 in Fleming Island, my "Check Engine" and "TCS" lights came on.  I decided to stop by the Pep-Boys to have it checked out.  There's a tool you can connect to your car that can read the error "codes".  Each shop has that electronic tool.  Pep-boys can read the codes for you at no cost.  I called the other shops and they charged anywhere from $60 to $85 to diagnoses the "Check Engine" light.

Ends up that my TCS, or Traction Control System, is malfunctioning.  That's the system that helps prevent my car from slipping the wheel on a wet road when starting from a stand-still.  More of a convenience instead of a necessity.  It has to be repaired by the dealership.  I'm not going any time soon.

But I am thankful that Pep-Boys read the error codes from my car at no cost.  Thanks :-)

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