Monday, April 16, 2012

Being Polished

Seems like I'm falling behind on my daily instead of trying to catch up from the weekend, I'll just pick up here and keep on going.

I'm thankful for what I learned at church yesterday.  One of the speakers said something that I am in complete agreement of.  Our life is about relationships, and that we could not live the Gospel, or be purified by the teachings, unless we are polished by each other.

We don't always get along, and sometimes is the rough times of relationships that makes us grow the most.

Loving a friend, or even someone that is like minded, is easy.  Loving someone that you don't get along with, or disagree with their values, is hard.

The Gospel is really for the latter.  Because that's the part that polishes us the most.

I hope that I can have the strength to be able to stand firmly for what is right, but also the humility to recognize when I should really love people for who they are, because I'm sure I have faults too.  The ultimate goal is that we can all help each other make it back to the presence of our Heavenly Father.

I'm thankful for you...even if you get on my nerves :-)  (That wasn't for anyone in particular, just sarcastic humor for those who don't know me)

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