Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Freedom of Religion

I'm thankful that I live in a country where we can worship how we want to and that there's not one national religion.

It's an interesting topic about whether the Constitution was founded under Christian principals and if so, then does that mean that this is a Christian country.

Well.  Not necessarily.

But if we took the Christian values and renamed them human values...then these human values are true, no matter how you label them.

We have a God given right to be free to pursue our own happiness.  That is a gift he gives us freely and our government should protect that right.

We can choose our own occupation, our own skills, who to help, etc.  It doesn't mean that we will all live equally well or that we need to force others to share their wealth that they so rightly earned most of the time.

We are free to choose for ourselves and live with the good or bad consequences.

And I choose to follow my Heavenly Father's plan of Happiness.

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