Sunday, March 11, 2012


I had a chance to share a music devotional tonight in the Starke Ward (that's an LDS congregation), and it was well received.

Although there was a little section during my presentation where I shared my conversion story, I mostly told the stories of how I became a piano and trumpet player, and how that was  intertwined in my life before and after I became a Latter Day Saint.  I had a chance to play some of my favorite pieces, both secular and Spiritual.

I've been a performer for more than 28 years, but today I did something for the first time in public.  I sang and accompanied myself on the the same time. I've never done both simultaneously.  Fortunately, it turned out well.  I saved this vocal/piano piece for last, Rob Gardner's "Peace I Give Unto You".  It's part of the musical "He is Jesus Christ", where Peter is a witness part of Jesus' Atonement, from the Garden of Gethsemane, to His raising on the cross.  The chorus section of the piece is from New Testament in the Bible, John 14:27.  I love how Rob is able to incorporate scripture into the song.

I thoroughly love this piece.  I can really feel the Spirit every time I listen to this song.  I'm thankful that I was able to share this piece.  This is my true calling for the talents that I have, to share the Gospel.


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