Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rush Limbaugh

Love him or hate him, Rush Limbaugh does provide conservative views in all kinds of tones: with humor, illustrations with absurdity, but more importantly, with sound logic.  Yes, he's very logical.  

I've listened to him since the early 1990's.  I use to be concerned that he would be the only conservative talk show host out there that can get the message out there to beat the disease called liberalism, but thankfully there are a lot of other talk show hosts that have followed in his footsteps in local and national news: Sean Hannity, Neil Boortz, Michael Savage, and Andy Dean, to name a few.

I'm grateful for Rush, for his views of traditional morality, and the idea that we can be great as individuals, and that we don't need the federal government to be the answer for all problems in the world.

There's a war out there with ideas, and I'm glad these men are out there being the voice of reason, and it's up to us to carry the charge so that conservatism will prevail in the United States, and in this world.

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