Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Let me tell you a dirty little secrets about people:

  • If you greet people with a warm smile and a friendly and welcoming demeanor, people will generally open up and relax around you.
  • If you come to someone about a concern, and give honest and loving feedback, instead of "jumping" on their case, then that person would not become defensive, but appreciate your approach and be receptive to your critique.
  • If your not in the mood to be friendly, you can force yourself to be happy, and in general that automatically lifts you up as well as the people around you.  And you spare those people from seeing Debbie Downer.
  • People like to be hugged.  I hear that you need seven hugs a day.  
  • Patience is practiced, not given, but when you choose it, something amazing happens because of it. 
That's just a short list.  After all is said and done, and we leave this Earth, there are two things that you bring with you, the knowledge that you gained on this Earth, and the relationships you've developed with people.  

I'm thankful for you people, mainly because you are my brother and sisters, but really for teaching me how to interact with you, for we are all children of our Heavenly Father.  He created us before we came to this earth, and gave us instructions on how to treat each other.  It's not always easy, because we have our free agency or free will, but nonetheless, it provides for adventures each day, and even if you follow the simple rules above, your day would go much much better.

1 comment:

Mat said...

If more people could just figure out the first two things you described, the world would be so much more pleasant!