Monday, January 23, 2012

Long Days

Mondays are long work days for me, from morning to about 8pm.  I can't imagine doing this every day.  I don't know how people can work 60-80 hours a week, but if you live your profession, or need to do it out of necessity, you just do it.

Only once did I work 80 hours in one week.  I was working for a defense contractor as a software engineer in Northern California.  We were preparing to show our capabilities to some interested parties from Washington DC.  The work week included one all nighter, and a partial nighter, sleeping in a meeting room when I wasn't needed.

There is something therapeutic about work, compared to being idle for long periods of time.  The day tends to go faster.  You don't think as much about your needs and/or issues.  Productivity adds a sense of self worth and value.  And when the day is over, whether it's a good day or bad, it just feels good to put in a full day of work.

Remember when we were in grade school, we looked forward to the last day of school because of Summer break.  For the first few weeks of break, it was a lot of fun not having to work.  Played all day.  No set schedule.  But heading into August, we were ready to get back to school, ready to learn again, ready to have structure in our life....or was I the only one that thought that way?  ;-)

That's our internal nature, instilled by God, that we were created to work, that we do not generally feel comfortable being idle for long.  Even in the scriptures we are counseled to not be idle.

I'm glad that I have a job, and that I have that opportunity to work.

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