Thursday, January 5, 2012

Honesty With Your Fellow Man

I had to take my car to the shop today...twice.  One for a planned maintenance, the other was unexpected.

For the planned maintenance, the tires were balanced and rotated, and I also had an alignment done.  Total cost $0.  As usual, they tried to upsell services that I didn't need or were overpriced.  It's part of some (dare I say most) automotive repair shop's business model.

Shortly thereafter, my AC stopped working.  Because I didn't trust the first shop (thinking they might have been the ones to sabatoge my AC because I refused their extra services), I went to another shop to have them look at it.  To check the AC compression was free, but the compressor wasn't even turning on, so they checked the electrical for $40.  It was a blown fuse, and something I could have checked myself.  They even used the spare fuse that was in the fuse box.

But which store did I feel treated me more honestly, and will start getting my repeat business?  The latter.  I felt bad for thinking the first shop tampered with my car, but precedence has made me wary of their honesty.

Tires Plus is the first shop.  Pep-Boys was the second shop.

Thank you, Darrell, of Pep-Boys Orange Park, FL, for being an honest and genuine service representative. 

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