Thursday, January 26, 2012

Politics and...

You either love it or hate it.

You party of preference is among the following: Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Independent, or some other affiliation.

You can be very involved and especially emotional about it, or indifferent.

Regardless, I am thankful that I am in a country where you can express your opinions about political leaders and issues freely, without concern for censorship and punishment from the government.

Try that in North Korea.

2012 is a US Presidential election year.  I can't think of an election year that's been as hyped as this year.  Will Obama win another election, or will one of the eventual Republican nominees get the most electoral vote?

I had an interesting political conversation with my good friend Coleen the past two days.  And as a disclosure, we're both Republicans, and we're both Mormons.  And no, Mitt Romney was not an automatic vote for either of us.  She chided "Don't let it be Gingrich!!!"  She was referring to the Florida Primary election next week.  And she's yelling this all the way from Utah (texting rather).   

I'm still undecided.  I am a Herman Cain fan so I might just still vote for him.

Now, this is where the conversation becomes very interesting.

Coleen's oldest daughter had to write an opinion paper for school.  The question is "Which is more important for a leader to posses?  Faith and character, or knowledge? And why?"  And more specifically, Faith in Jesus Christ.

Now we're talking about Politics...and Religion.  

What do you say?  This can either be a rhetorical question, or you can leave comments to this blog.  I just ask that you keep it clean and friendly.

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